A construction WHS Policy aims to ensure the safety of all workers on a construction site.
A construction WHS Policy is a written commitment from a construction company. It outlines exactly how it will fulfil its obligation to workplace health and safety in line with the Work Health & Safety Act.
Every employer has a duty of care to their employees. A construction WHS policy assists with this duty of care. Read on for our guide on how to write one.

In addition to other safety matters, a construction WHS policy should outline when and how safety training is conducted.
How to write a construction WHS policy
We've set out below a comprehensive list of items that must be included in a construction WHS policy.
When you complete your construction WHS policy for your company, it should include:
- The objectives and goals that relate to safety. For example, you might outline that your company’s goal is to prevent workplace injuries and near-misses. Or, to ensure any incidents are reported and all workers understand their responsibility when it comes to reporting incidents;
- The relevant duties of key personnel on site relating to WHS;
- The company’s commitment to the overall safety of the workplace and its employees;
- The communication and consultation requirements for all workers and employees on site. This includes when consultation should occur, communication methods, and how this information will be recorded;
- The expectation of your employees and workers in relation to safety;
- The risk management process your site has in place;
- Information on your site’s Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS);
- When and how training will be conducted on site to ensure optimum safety. The type of training that is conducted should also be outlined;
- Information on your site’s WHS Management Plan;
- Worksite safety considerations, including plant and equipment, electrical, hazardous chemicals and the overall work environment;
- Standard Operating Procedures relevant to the WHS on site.
Once your construction WHS Policy has been developed, it should be implemented across the entire workforce, including your subcontractor pool. All businesses in Australia are legally obligated to implement WHS policies, procedures and practices to ensure the overall safety of their employees.
Safety Management Plan Templates
Builder Assist have developed Safety Management Plan (SMP) (also called WHS Management Plan) templates specific to all trades in the building industry. Each Safety Management Plan template includes a construction WHS policy template. This is because it forms an important part of the more detailed SMP for each worksite. The SMP templates are instantly downloadable and are easily modified to suit your company’s requirements.
Builder Assist’s templates are industry-leading and developed by industry experts.
To find out what other documentation, procedures and checklists you need in your trade, head to Tradespeople Documentation for the full list. Or, get in touch with the Builder Assist team today!

Safety Management Plans (WHS)
Specifically designed for each trade starting up a business, these Work Health Safety Management Plans or WHS Management Plans, provide support with the management of Work Health & Safety in the workplace. Also referred to as Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) the material provided in this section will assist with WHS/OHS management and training requirements for the workplace.