Builder Owner Builders (WHS) Safety Plan


The Owner Builders Work Health Safety (WHS) Management Plan is a complete and comprehensive document outlining WHS procedures for the management of Work Health & Safety in the workplace.

The person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) for a construction project must prepare a written Work Health and Safety Management Plan for the workplace before work on the project commences.

This Work Health and Safety Management Plan is designed to assist principal contractors to manage their workplace health and safety obligations.

Owner Builders Safety Plan Features:

  • Instant Download
  • User friendly, easy to use templates
  • MS Word formatted templates for easy editing
  • Simply add your business and site specific details.

Scroll down to the “Product Description” below for document inclusions.

Template - Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) Template

The Safe Work Method Statement Template (SWMS) is a complete and comprehensive document outlining on-site procedures.


  • Instant Download
  • User friendly, easy to use templates
  • Instructions Provided
  • MS Word formatted templates for easy editing
  • Simply add your business and site specific details.

Scroll down to the “Product Description” below for document inclusions.

Template - Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Template

The Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Template is a complete and comprehensive document outlining on-site procedures.

Job Safety Analysis Template (JSA) Template Features:

  • Instant Download
  • User friendly, easy to use templates
  • Instructions Provided
  • MS Word formatted templates for easy editing
  • Simply add your business and site specific details.

Scroll down to the “Product Description” below for document inclusions.

Risk Assessment - General

This Risk Assessment provides a format to assist the workplace controller record the identification of potential hazards of the proposed work, assess the risks involved and develop control measures to eliminate or minimize the risk, and to assist in the preparation of a SWMS.


  • Package designed for starting a new business
  • Instant Download
  • User friendly, easy to use templates
  • MS Word formatted templates for easy editing
  • Simply add your business and site specific details.

See the “Product Description” below for further details.

Manual Handling Techniques

This Manual Handling Technique document provides techniques on how to manually lift in a safe manner.

• Instant Download
• User friendly, easy to use templates
• MS Word formatted templates for easy editing
• Simply add your details.

Employee Induction

All new employees should be inducted into the workplace. Use this New Employee Induction as a guide to induct all new employees into the workplace and keep on site as evidence of a risk management system being in place.


  • Instant Download
  • User friendly, easy to use template
  • MS Word formatted template for easy editing
  • Simply add your details

Scroll down to the “Product Description” below for document information.

Site Induction Record - General

This Site Induction Record provides a format to record the site induction undertaken including persons details, employers details, employment details, emergency contact details, medical information, privacy notification and confirmation of site induction.

• Instant Download
• User friendly, easy to use templates
• MS Word formatted templates for easy editing
• Simply add your details.

Site Induction Register

This document maintains a register of all Site Induction Records undertaken on site.

Keep this document on site as a record of all personnel who have been site inducted and as evidence of a risk management system being in place.

Product Description

Owner Builders (WHS) Safety & Management Plan inclusions:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Hierarchy Of Controls
  • Safe Work Method Statement Template (SWMS)
  • Job Safety Analysis Template (JSA)
  • Document Control
  • Project Details
  • Work Health Safety and Environment Policy
  • Site Safety Rules
  • Site Induction Record
  • Site Induction Register
  • Objectives and Targets
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Manual Handling Policy
  • Manual Handling Procedure
  • Manual Handling Techniques
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Training and Competency
  • Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination
  • Toolbox and Pre-start Talks
  • Workplace Inspection Checklist
  • Plant and Equipment Policy
  • Plant and Equipment Register
  • Plant and Equipment Pre-start Checklist
  • Plant and Equipment Regular Checklist
  • Hazardous Substances, Dangerous Goods and MSDS Policy
  • Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods Register
  • Electrical Equipment Policy
  • Electrical Equipment Register
  • Hazard Reporting Policy
  • Hazard Report
  • Emergency Response Procedures
  • Emergency Evacuation Procedures
  • Incident Management
  • Injury and Incident Investigation
  • Register of Injuries
  • Incident Investigation Report
  • WHS Management Plan Checklist
  • Injury Management and Return-To-Work Procedures
  • Worker Induction Checklist

Industry Compliant WHS Management Plan Template

The Builder Assist WHS Management Plan Templates are the most up to date building industry WHSMP templates, used to support with the management of Work Health & Safety in the workplace.

Safety Management Plan

MS Word Format

Easy to update and customise using MS Word. Add your logo, colours and details to suit your unique business needs.


Instant Download

Your instant download is provided immediately upon purchase and is also delivered via Email.

This Safety Management Plan is a document that sets out how your specific business, manages its legal obligations to provide a healthy and safe work place.

  • Work Health and Safety Act
  • Work Health and Safety Regulations
  • Applicable Codes of Practice

You can download each applicable Legislation, Codes of Practice and References by clicking on this link.

MS Word Format

Easy to update and customise using MS Word. Add your logo, colours and details to suit your unique business needs.


Instant Download

Your instant download is provided immediately upon purchase and is also delivered via Email.