Instant Download of Documents and Procedures for the Australian Building and Construction Industry to assist Developers, Builders, Tradespeople and Owner Builders.
Roof Plumbing Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) inclusions:
Site Establishment
Pre Start Risk Assessment
Setting up the work area
Setting up the work area
Installing fascia’s
Roof wire
Roof sheeting
Skylight sheeting
Fall edge protection
Elevating work platforms (boom lift/scissor lift)
Trestles and planks
MSDS (silicones)
Working at heights
Exposure to weather conditions
Tools, plant and equipment
Power supply
Manual handling
Deliveries and the like
House Keeping with Silica Dust, respirable crystalline silica (RCS)
High Risk Activities
PPE required
Plant and Equipment
Qualifications, Training & Competencies
Permits required
Legislation, Codes Of Practice and References
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Risk Matrix Table
Hierarchy of Control
Instructions provided
Job steps
Hazard identification
Control Measures
Breaks the work activity into logical job steps
Lists the typical hazards associated with each of these steps
Describes the control measures implemented to eliminate or control the risk for the workers safety
Describes how the control measures are to be implemented, monitored and reviewed
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Roof Plumbing SWMS
The Roof Plumbing Safe Work Method Statement breaks the tasks down into logical job steps, lists the typical hazards associated with each of these job steps, and describes the control measures implemented to eliminate or control the risk for the workers safety.
All Man and Material Hoists must be inspected before use each day by the operator. Use this Hoist Inspection Checklist as a guide in performing your daily inspection and keep as a record on site as evidence of a risk management system being in place.
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This Electrical Test Record documents all electrical tools, plant and equipment, electrical switch boards, site amenities, site sheds and the like when tested and tagged by a licensed electrician or qualified person and labelled with the current date tag before being used on site.
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It is a requirement that all site personnel are instructed on the Emergency Evacuation Procedures should the need to evacuate the site occurs. This document provides a procedure on how to manage the site evacuation process.
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Whenever work is being undertaken on electrical and mechanical facilities or other services, this Electrical Isolation Permit should be completed prior to and on completion of the works.
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