Our construction swms templates are specifically designed for each building trade. These Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) documents provide support for the management of Work Health & Safety (WHS) in the workplace.
Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
- Instant Download
- User Friendly, very easy to use templates
- Full instructions provided
- MS Word formatted template for easy editing
- Simply add your business and site specific details
Document Features:
63 Products
Our construction swms templates for all trades break a work activity into logical job steps, list the typical hazards associated with each of these steps, and describe the control measures implemented to eliminate or control the risk for the workers’ safety.
The Builder Assist Safe Work Method Statements are industry leading templates written and developed by building industry experts. Each Builder Assist SWMS template includes all of the following:
- Trade Specific Safe Work Method Statement Templates
- Site establishment
- Setting up the work area
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Working at heights
- Exposure to weather conditions
- Tools, plant and equipment
- Power supply
- Manual handling
- Deliveries and the like
- Plant and Equipment
- Qualifications, Training & Competencies
- Permits required
- Legislation, Codes Of Practice and References
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Risk Matrix Table
- Hierarchy of Control
- Instructions on how to complete the SWMS
- Job steps
- Hazard identification
- Control Measures
- Breaks the work activity into logical job steps
- Lists the typical hazards associated with each of these steps
- Describes the control measures implemented to eliminate or control the risk for the workers safety
- Describes how the control measures are to be implemented, monitored and reviewed
Our construction swms templates are the most up to date building industry SWMS templates and comply with the following Work Health and Safety Regulations and Practices:
- Work Health and Safety Act
- Work Health and Safety Regulations
- Applicable Codes of Practice
- You can download each applicable Legislation, Codes of Practice and References by clicking on this link.
A person conducting a business or undertaking carrying out of “high risk construction work” must, before high risk construction work commences, ensure that a safe work method statement (SWMS) for the proposed work has been prepared.
A Safe Work Method Statement must:
(a) Identify the work that is high risk construction work; and
(b) Specify hazards relating to the high risk construction work and risks to health and safety associated with those hazards; and
(c) Describe the measures to be implemented to control the risks; and
(d) Describe how the control measures are to be implemented, monitored and reviewed
A Safe Work Method Statement breaks a work activity into logical job steps, lists the typical hazards associated with each of these steps, and describes the control measures implemented to eliminate or control the risk for the workers safety.