Instant Download of Documents and Procedures for the Australian Building and Construction Industry to assist Developers, Builders, Tradespeople and Owner Builders.

Safety Management Plan

Personal protect equipment (PPE), like high vis vests and hard hats are the last line of defence on the hierarchy of controls.

The Hierarchy of Controls in WHS: Construction

In construction, safety isn’t just a goal; it’s a non-negotiable priority.  Amidst heavy machinery, skilled trades, and towering structures, the hierarchy of controls stand as a beacon of […]

Two PBCU stand next to a car, they are responsible for WHS

PCBU in WHS: Responsibilities for Safer Workplaces

To get a better understanding of what a PCBU is in WHS, we will first look at what it stands for.  Then, we’ll go through how it relates […]

The principal contractor discusses a project with the architect on site.

Principal Contractor: Obligations and Responsibilities

In construction, a principal contractor assumes a pivotal position to ensure the smooth execution of projects.  They actively oversee and coordinate various aspects of construction, with a primary […]

Construction sites are busy and potentially dangerous places to work, this is why you need a construction WHS policy.

5 reasons you need a construction WHS policy

Construction sites are busy and potentially dangerous places to work, with the risk of injury always present.  Being struck by a moving object, for example, is a major […]

Why are manual handling procedures so important?

Why a manual handling procedure is so important to safeguard workers from repetitive-task injuries

On a construction site or project, the need for appropriate documentation is indisputable. Documents like a Manual Handling Procedure and a Manual Handling Policy are designed to safeguard […]

How to write a construction WHS policy

How to write a construction WHS policy

A construction WHS Policy aims to ensure the safety of all workers on a construction site. A construction WHS Policy is a written commitment from a construction company.  […]

A JSA is a common safety procedure implemented across a number of industries.

What is a JSA?

A JSA (or Job Safety Analysis) is a common safety procedure implemented across a number of industries.  It is particularly utilised in construction, because it aims to ensure […]

How to encourage safe work practices on construction sites

How to encourage safe work practices on worksites

Encouraging and growing safe work practices will save you money, reduce project delays and improve the overall workplace health and safety of a construction site. A compliant construction […]

What does a WHS Management Plan Include?

A WHS Management Plan is an important legal document that all job sites are required to have. It is also referred to as a Safety Management Plan (SMP). […]

What is a safety management plan or WHSMP?

What is a Safety Management Plan?

A Safety Management Plan (SMP) is a legal requirement on all construction sites. It aims to ensure all site Work Health and Safety policies and procedures are met […]